Why bees? Bees are awesome individuals that can work cooperatively to create one of nature’s sweetest substances.

Here is a list of activities and sources that have improved my life. Like the petals on a flower, each one provides part of a solution. I hope you will check them out and find benefit in them. If these don’t fit you, please keep looking! Countless paths lead to common solutions to whatever problems we perceive (even if the problem is our perception). These are just some of the ones I’ve come across that work well for me. (See disclaimers at the bottom of the page.)


The meditation resources have helped me to free myself from a prison of negative thoughts and destructive cognitive channels. They are tools that can empower you to direct changes in psychological and behavioral patterns that affect your emotions and experience of life. If you’ve integrated meditation into your daily routine, then you already know the benefits. Perhaps you’ve tried it before but gave up. If so, I encourage you to find a source that jives with you. I’ve found it’s all about personal relevancy and connection. Here are some that work for me:

Isha Kriya with Sadghuru: a 12-18 minute daily practice that helps put things in perspective and get your energy lined up for a productive, calm, happy day. One of the best things I ever did was sign up for Sadghuru’s Inner Engineering program.

The Secret to Attracting Wealth by Kelly Howell: a 30 minute guided meditation with visualization for breaking through psychological barriers.

Achieve Your Goals Hypnosis with Binaural Beats by Anna Thompson: a 1 hr 32 min meditative music and hypnosis session that will help you get energized, focused, and overcome obstacles. I like Pure Determination Guided Self Hypnosis Strength, Motivation & Willpower with Bonus Body Work By: Anna Thompson. Available on Amazon Kindle for $5 or free with an Audible account.

Yoga and Exercise

AM / PM Yoga with Rodney Yee and Patricia Walden: a 15 minute AM and a 20 minute PM routine created for beginners. I think this is one of the most relaxing and gentle yoga routines I’ve ever come across. Over the years, I’ve added poses, stretches, and other variations tailored to my body. I believe this is a great starting point if you are not in good shape (overweight, inflexible, physical injuries, chronic pain) to start to heal your body.

Pocket Yoga: an app that has three main routines using different protocols (Ocean: HIIT, Desert: detox & flexibility, Mountain: strength) . It can be tailored for time (30, 45, or 60 minutes), difficulty level (beginner, intermediate, advanced), and background environment (home, office, studio, more depending on the app version). It has background music, voice instruction, detailed pose guide, and an animated teacher. If you are not inclined or able to join a yoga class, then this app may be a great independent solution for you. It changed my life!

Workout Women by Fast Builder Limited: a free app that offers short, targeted workout routines and allows busy women to incorporate exercise into their daily schedule. If you love it, they have in-app paid features you can add on.

Politics, Society and Economics

I’ve always despised politics and especially politicians, but I’ve grown up enough to realize that I must engage in the conversations around politics in order to effect the changes I hope to see in the world. I’m not happy about the direction things seem to be going in. I don’t know if I can make any difference because the systems are so entrenched, powerful, and interconnected on a global scale. However, I do know that real change has to start in the hearts and minds of each human being, and that process begins with understanding the systems we are a part of that largely determine our social, political and economic landscapes.

Truth-Freedom-Health grassroots movement with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. You can join for free and later decide if you want to expand your membership and support. He offers a Foundation of Systems course that he originally designed as an MIT professor that uses systems engineering principles to help everyday people cut through the noise and understand our modern systems.

Hidden Secrets of Money by Mike Maloney: a history of money that helps put modern economic theory into historical context.

Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver by Mike Maloney: a free e-book that gives both history and instruction on gold and silver as money. Available to listen to on Audible.

Knowledge and Decisions by Thomas Sowell: a book on how knowledge is essentially decentralized yet used by people and institutions to make decisions that have political, social, and economic trade-offs and how these decisions lead to trends. Available to listen to on Audible through Amazon.

Economics Audiobooks written by Thomas Sowell available on BasicEconomics YouTube Channel. I suggest the Vision of the Anointed.

The MoneyGPS: https://www.themoneygps.com/

PeakProsperity with Chris Martenson: https://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/

Rebel Capitalist: https://www.georgegammon.com/the-rebel-capitalist-show-video/

ITM Trading and Lynette Zhang: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/itm-trading-lynette-zang/id1538619930


I was a public school teacher and later ESL and online teacher for about 20 years. I’ve come to understand that while teachers and guides can make a huge difference in a person’s ability to develop knowledge and skills, all education is essentially self-education.

100+ Online Resources for Self-Education from DIYGenius.com.

Taxonomy of Logical Fallicies: all the ways logic can be twisted by us or others.

Euclid’s Elements part of an essential classical education.

Please check back later for more suggestions.


I’m not a doctor, PT, nurse, or medical professional , so anything I say on this site is not to be construed as medical advice. I share my personal insights, beliefs, and experiences which may or may not resonate with you. Consult with your doctor or health care provider before starting any diet or exercise routine.

I’m not a trader, economist, or financial advisor, so anything I say on this site should not be construed as financial advice. I’m trying to get a better understanding of our crazy financial and banking system, and I’m still searching for solutions to protect myself and my loved ones from the recurrent malfeasance and corruption in our current systems. I hope you gain greater understanding from the sources I suggest. If you have additional sources, please send me your suggestions using the contact form on this site. I’m always looking for greater understanding!

While I do engage in some affiliate marketing, I do not receive any compensation for the resources I have suggested on this page. I just want to share some things that have helped me in the hope that you might also benefit from them. Cheers! 🙂